China Circle specializes in East-West communication, storytelling and media. Our decades-long experience in international journalism and broadcasting provides us with all necessary tools to produce the most effective communication strategies across cultures.
We advise commercial, governmental and non-governmental organisations on strategic communication issues in general, and our hearts start to beat faster when you allow us to take a critical look at your communication products - ranging from promotional videos, powerpoint presentations to corporate brochures - in order to customize them with a specific audience in mind.
For Dutch and European organisations
We can add a Chinese touch: Chinese audiences appreciate it when you include some Chinese text in your presentation slides, for example, colors might have a different meaning, and make sure you include relevant data and the right tone of voice to convince your audience. We also offer strategic advice on how to deal with or steer clear of sensitive cultural or political issues.
For Chinese organisations
We can help with positioning your company, the way you tell your story, the type of information you present, your choice of messenger, the overall design and (last but not least) the length of your presentation, video or brochure. Your videos need to tell your story in less than 3 minutes. And be aware that long lists of Chinese names, historical dates and data usually do not work well with foreign audiences. We love to help you 'kill those darlings', as the journalist motto goes.
Training and workshops
We love to involve different people in your organisation in the process of developing and adapting stories and communication products. One way of doing that is by way of fun, interactive and eye-opening training sessions and group-workshops. Those in-company sessions will make team members aware of cultural barriers and how to overcome them.
We can provide one-on-one training to help prepare for an important keynote presentation.
Upon request, we conduct research into new trends in China on communication, storytelling and media related issues, in your field of business.