China Circle has broad experience in managing China-related projects, especially in the field of communication, media and diversity. We love to initiate new projects, but we can also provide fresh enthousiasm and coherence to existing projects, producing new results.
We aim for clearly stated and concretely implemented results. Crucial outcome is to always provide a clear 'story' about what the project achieves now and what it aims for in the future.
As part of a project we can also organize specialized study and networking trips for Dutch teams and groups to China and vice versa, in cooperation with Aiwa Travel.
Intercultural issues can greatly increase the complexity of the project at hand. Our focus on cross-cultural communication and developing intercultural skills within the team, will help bridge gaps that arise.
- Organizing China-Netherlands dialogues for RNW Media, focusing on the position of LGBT, women and other groups in society. Meeting of Chinese delegations with Dutch members of Parliament, the ministry of Foreign Affairs, and participation in a public debate.
- Enlarging knowledge of Chinese people about the Netherlands, through a contest: producing short video clips on the theme of Dutch impressions (荷兰印象). Cooperation with The Hague Municipality and Gogo Dutch organisation of Chinese students in the Netherlands.